Create a Labo course with Sharing Cart

Would you like to start using the automated evaluation tools on with your students—but without a book?

Create a course with automated scoring

You could spend your summer developing a course for your students. Sure. But one summer might not be enough. If only there were some content that you could use!

Sharing Cart Repository

Well, there is. You can use some of the existing activities and evaluations developed for Labodanglais with the sharing cart. Here’s how.

How to use the sharing cart

Visit the sharing cart course. Turn editing on.  Scroll down to the activity you want for your course.  Click the shopping basket on the right hand side to add the item to your sharing cart. 

In your own course, turn editing on. Add the sharing cart to the top of your course.  Expand the course blocks section at the top of the page. Can’t see it? Make sure that you have turned editing on.


Click on the dropdown list of available blocks.

Sharing Cart

Scroll until you find Sharing cart. 

Sharing Cart

Your sharing cart will appear and you will see all of the activities that you have added to the cart already. If it is empty, you will have to add something first. See above for instructions. Sharing Cart

Scroll down to the section that you want to add the activity to. Click inside the dotted outline of the box with the grey arrow. The system will add the activity for you. 

Sharing Cart

Getting started

Send message to bokomarupublications at gmail dot com requesting a blank course. Labodanglais is free for teachers but students pay $25 per semester. We’ll set up your profile, and you can get started right away.

See all the features on Labodanglais here..