Week 1: Introduce Yourself

Find and Correct the Errors

Find all the errors by clicking on them. A cox will open and you can then correct the error. Don't click any correct words or you will lose points.

Correction Help

1. Capitalize the first letter of every sentence.
2. Capitalize names of people and cities.
3. Captitalize the pronoun I.
4. In English, we say I was born not I am born.
5. Use in for cities, provinces and countries.
6. In English, we say, I am + age + years old.
7. To indicate that an activity started in the past and continues into the present, use I have been VERB + ing in".
8. Capitalize program names: Social Sciences (humans sciences), Nursing, etc.
9. Use for for periods of time. Use since for a point in time.
10. In English, don't repeat the subject for emphasis: Me, I like to dance.
11. In English, party is a noun and a verb. I party, you party, etc. We don't "do party."
12. Remember that it is he /she/it VERB + s in the Simple Present.

name is Gagnon. born in .
live Montreal. 17
2 years.
like with my friends.
My best friend me smile.